New Scalloped shape
Designed to Prevent Cross Contamination And Flowback
Germany Certification of Design Registration Patent
Nano plus, no needles technology is a pain-free treatment method, you will fell light pressure and a vibrating sensation. It will give very relaxing treatment to receive.
With the new Nano plus cartridges technology there will be no down time, the perfect treatment to get before an event as skin will be glowing and radiant. You can have a Nano-infusion treatment done as often as every two weeks with Nano plus you will have 90% better product absorption due to the fast infusion of ingredient into the epidermis, feeding the skin with nutrients it needs to lighten, tighten and brighten.
Benefits of nano infusion: Enhances product absorption, Gentle exfoliation, increase hydration, trigger the regenerative process of the skin rejuvenation.
For use with Meso touch Pro Only